Can You Use 4 Ohm and 8 Ohm Speakers Together? – Quick Mix

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Ohm is the resistance or measurement of electricity. Once the rating of ohm is high, more electricity will be required to turn on the speaker. Ohm usage depends on the type of system. For instance, each system, such as speakers and audios uses different ohms to turn on.

Otherwise, be careful when mixing different ohms. If you want to mix different ohms, ensure you have the correct calculations to avoid damaging the system. Combining the 4 and 8 ohms ensures that your speaker produces the best sound and functions correctly.

The connection of the ohms is classified into three; parallel connection, serial connection, or both. In a parallel connection, +ve terminals are connected, and so are –ve terminals, while in serial connection, +ve terminal is connected to a –ve terminal.

Table of Contents

Can you use 4 ohms and 8-ohm speakers together?

The two speakers, 4 ohms and 8 ohms can be mixed as long as the 4-ohm speaker’s minimum rating range is acceptable. Also, ensure you use the serial connection method to avoid blowing out the amplifier.

Audio Speaker

Steps on how to mix 4 ohms and 8-ohm speakers

Step 1: Turn a 4 ohm and 8-ohm speaker around

Turn both speakers around and confirm their ohm ratings. Ensure one is printed 4 ohms while the other is printed 8 ohms.

Step 2: Check each speaker’s minimum ohm required

Pull each speaker’s amplifiers and check the least ohm required to connect the speakers. For instance, the speaker’s amplifier must be rated 8 ohms into 4 ohms. Many amplifiers or receivers can connect to 4-ohm speakers without damaging them, overheating, or turning off, and therefore the 4 ohm and 8 ohms can be attached. Ensure that you use the correct impedance for connectivity.

Step 3: find the wire sections that you will require to connect the speakers

Look for the wires of each speaker that will enable you to connect the two speakers. Further, cut the wires carefully to avoid damaging them. Ensure you cut the wires of each speaker correctly. Strip the way about 1.7 inches from each wire’s end. 

Step 4: calculate the ohms together and find their total net resistance

Find the sum of ohms of both speakers being paired. For instance, add 4 ohms and 8 ohms separately; (8 + 8 = 16 ohms) and (4 + 4 =8 ohms). Also, multiply the ohms of both speakers to get the total ohms required for mixing 4 ohms and 8-ohm speakers. For instance, (16 * 8 = 128 ohms)

After multiplying the previously added ohms together, divide 128 ohms by 24, whereby each speaker has 12 to get a minimum rating. For instance, (128/24 = 5.333333 ohms).

Confirm if the 4-ohm speaker requires the ohm you find. Ensure you keep the calculations and use them when connecting the two speakers.

Step 5: Check the terminals of the wires and try connecting the speakers

Check the wires of each speaker you tripped. Connect the wires using a serial connection only because a parallel connection can damage both speakers.

If you are connecting using the serial method, connect the colored wire, which is the positive terminal, to the other wire, the negative terminal.

Ensure you connect the wires tightly to each other to prevent loosening while using the speakers. Ensure you connect slowly and carefully to avoid crossing the wires. If wires are crossed, your speakers will be damaged.

Moreover, play your sounds at a moderate volume to avoid turning off the amplifiers. Finally, be cautious when connecting the speakers to prevent blowing out the amplifier or the receiver.

The speakers can be connected using the parallel method but theoretically is not advisable because the chance of blowing out the amplifier or the receiver is very high. Hence use the serial connection method to avoid risking your amplifier or receiver.

Frequently asked questions

How can I convert my 8-ohm speaker to a 4-ohm speaker?

If you want to convert your 8-ohm speaker to a 4-ohm speaker, consider using the parallel connection method.

  1. Bring your two 8 ohm speakers together. Confirm both speakers are 8 ohms by turning each speaker around and reading the ohm rating written at the back of each speaker.
  2. Cut the wires of each speaker and strip them around 1.2 inches. Be careful when cutting and stripping the wires to avoid damaging them.
  3. Calculate the total impedance (8 + 8= 16 ohms) for one speaker and the other (8 + 8 =16 ohm). Multiply together the total of an ohm of each speaker (16 * 16 = 256 ohm). Divide the total obtained by the sum of the two loads, 32 (256/64 = 4). This shows that if you connect the two 8 ohms, you will obtain a 4 ohm.
  4. Connect the speakers using the parallel connection method. Connect the positive terminal of one speaker to the other speaker’s other positive terminal and connect the negative terminals. Ensure you tighten them to prevent them from loosening while using. For example, connect the positive side of speaker C to the positive side of speaker D.
  5. Test if the speakers have been connected successfully by turning on the amplifier or receiver.

How can I calculate the impedance of my two speakers?

When using the series connection method, add ohms of each together and obtain the results. For example, 6 ohms and 8 ohms (6+ 8 =14 ohms), and if you are using a parallel connection method, pick one ohm since both speakers have the same ohms. For example, it will be 8 ohms and 8 ohms (8/2 = 4 ohms) because they are two. But if they are three, you divide eight by 3(8/3 = 2.666 ohms)


When mixing different speakers with different ohms, the effectiveness of sound quality is increased. If you want to connect your ohm speaker and 8-ohm speaker, the instructions above will guide you to connect them successfully. But when connecting, ensure that you are careful, especially when stripping the wires. Finally, ensure that you use the serial connection method.

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